Aloe Vera

  Latin: Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. English Aloe Vera Greek: Αλόη Turkish:   Aloe Vera dates back thousands of years – we’ve seen this plant make an appearance on the tombs of the ancient Pharoahs of Egypt!   Historically, this flowering succulent has been referred to as a member of the (Liliaceae)  lily family.  More recently it…

Agnus castus

Latin: Vitex Agnus Castus English Chastetree Greek: Λυγαριά Turkish: Hayıt, beşparmak ağacı     Native to the Mediterranean region, Vitex agnus castus is seen growing mostly as a multi trunk shrub in Cyprus but may also be trained into a small to medium sized tree form.  It can have lavender, pink or white flowers. It’s flexible limbs are…